Welcome to my new playground!
A year ago, I left my Federal Government job of eight years and accepted a position with Radian6. I was so excited about being free of the red tape of my former job. However, I learned very quickly from the clients Radian6 serves that it does not matter if an organization is government, small business, B2B vs. B2C…every organization faces the same basic challenges. And the majority of these organizations are trying to solve for the symptoms and not the root cause of concern.
I am turning over a new leaf and am excited to see what is on the other side. The inspiration behind my new blog, The Root Report, is from this quote:
“When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.” – Anthony j. D’Angelo, The College Blue Book
Collaboration is key to unlocking the strengths and weaknesses of any complex issues, so I will be inviting some very special people from within and outside the communications industry to discuss how we can stop hacking at the leaves and how to live the strategy.
When I published my first post in 2006, I never dreamed my path would lead me to where I am today. Through the Communicators Anonymous blog and other online channels I have met some brilliant minds. Along the way you have taught, challenged and inspired me to go above and beyond. Just think, four years ago, I was twenty-something with a chip on my shoulder and ready to conquer the world. Um, I think the world conquered me and has prepared me for the riches ahead. Sometimes you have to let go of being in control.
I have not been as fervent a writer on Communicators Anonymous in the past several months. I have had to re-discover my voice. While writing for Salute to Your Service, I was not in danger of repeating myself because I was writing about and discussing AAFES and the military family. At Radian6, I discuss the ins and outs of the communication/social media industry and struggled to find a dividing line between my voice on my personal blog and on the Radian6 publications.
There has been a burning desire to write about so much more. Get to the root of business issues. Even on Communicators Anonymous, I felt we did not have to reinvent the wheel, but discover and fix the cause of the problem, rather than finding a Band-Aid. When I first began Communicators Anonymous, it was with the mindset of getting back to the basics of the public relations industry.
Now, it is so much more. It is beyond tactical. It is beyond being pigeon-holed into a public relations position. It is about being a successful communicator who can work harmoniously inside and outside the organization. Putting theory into practice and living the strategy. We, as communicators, are in the prime position to have a seat in the C-suite, spur a culture change, drive long term relationships and be accountable for business goals.
Whether you have participated on the Communicators Anonymous blog or have just discovered The Root Report, I am happy to have you along for the ride. We are in this together!
Let’s get started shall we? Begin by subscribing to my new blog (if you have already subscribed to Communicators Anonymous, there is no need to re-subscribe) and the first post will be served up Wednesday.